Lets Talk Protection
Bond protectors act as mighty defense systems that work their magic every time the cuticle is lifted to protect your stands. To close the gap between time and results, Redken created Flash Lift Bonder Inside – a revolutionary bleach lightener that already has the bond protector within the formula.
K 18
When hair gets damaged, the polypeptide chains (keratin chains) that make up the inner structure of hair strands become weakened and break. For context, there are billions and billions of polypeptide chains (keratin chains) in a single strand of hair. When these are damaged, hair’s core structure responsible for elasticity and strength becomes compromised and as a result it loses its resiliency and shine—or the look and feel of healthy hair.After spending a decade in the lab scanning and testing all amino acid sequences across the entire keratin genome that makes up human hair searching for a breakthrough, we discovered one unique sequence (a bioactive peptide) that brings damaged hair back to its original, youthful state.
O l a p l e x
Olaplex is a system that permanently rebuilds the damaged disulphide bonds in your hair that are broken during the chemical process. If you've over-bleached or had your hair highlighted for years, Olaplex allows you to rebuild the strength, structure and integrity of your hair; a 'reset' for your locks, if you will.
The system has allowed colourists to do work that they'd only ever dreamed of before.